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Costa Mesa

Living in Costa Mesa

Livability – Costa Mesa’s overall livability score is above average. This rating is the sum of the city’s data points and factors, and then a weighting of these variables is used to determine a good standard quality of life compared to other cities. The livability score considers education, crime, cost of living, and residents’ overall happiness calculated as a predictive index through our advanced statistical models.
Cost of Living – When choosing a new place to live, the cost of living is a significant consideration. The cost of living in Costa Mesa is lower than the national average and most cities in the state. While some areas can be higher than others on a state and federal level, the overall average of housing costs, utilities, grocery items, transportation, health care, and miscellaneous goods and services are less expensive. Are you looking to buy a home in Costa Mesa? Search here
Crime – In Costa Mesa, crime rates are lower than in other Dense Urban areas, nationally and statewide. Every day, almost half of the population thinks about crime and safety. If you call Costa Mesa home or are considering moving here, odds are your shouldn’t worry as much, and it is a significant pro and consideration for living here.
Education – Overall, education for the area is good and ranks high on national and statewide levels compared to other cities. These ranking calculations consider factors such as public school graduation rates, enrollment rates, teacher to student ratios, and student and parent reviews. This data and scores are a weighted average of the area’s schools.
Social Factors from Population Density – A study on the impact of population density on quality of life found a positive correlation between population density and a higher quality of life. In terms of physical, psychological, and social fields, higher levels of life quality scores of people living in high population density than those living in low population densities can be a better indicator of life quality in cities with higher population density.
Cons of Living in Costa Mesa

HNMF – Rock (duplicate)

Environmental Factors from Population Density – While there is a correlation between population density and a higher quality of life, it is essential to call out the environmental and stress on each individual. This is considered a con for environmental and stress, but it is a double-edged sword since there are social and economic benefits.

Robert Krowel
Author: Robert Krowel

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