Living in Brea, CA
Brea, California is a medium-sized city with a population of 41,351 people. Brea has a population density of 3,391 people per square mile. This would be considered well above the national population density level. If we look at the most recent Census, Brea is known to have a predominantly White population. The next two most common races are Asian and Black. Additionally, more than a quarter of the population of Brea are of Hispanic or Latino origin, and 14% of the population also speak Spanish. 78% of the people in Brea (over the age of 15) are married and 54% have kids under the age of eighteen. Knowing that, it’s safe to say that this area could be a great place for other families to lay down roots.
Living in Brea can be a fulfilling experience for anyone relocating to the town. Having said that, in the state of California, there are many desirable places to live, so choose wisely! The best areas in Brea and in surrounding cities are easier to find when you are able to make informed decisions. Using data from weather, education, employment, you will see a detailed breakdown of the most important information as well as comparisons to the California and national averages. Come find an agent that knows your area
Brea, CA receives 75/100 for its livability score; this results in a ranking of #219 in California and #5,472 in the USA. Pack your bags! This is a very high score in comparison to other US cities. Living in Brea could be a great choice! Based on the rankings for each individual category, Brea has received high marks for amenities (A+), weather (A+), education (A-) and employment (B-). On a less positive note, Brea does not have favorable ranks for the following: cost of living (F) and housing (D). If we take a look at the data, we can find out why.
Location, location, location – possibly the three most important words in your search for a new place to live. Fortunately, in Brea, there is no shortage of amazing local amenities and interesting things to do.
Certain items on your wish list like shopping, restaurants, nightlife and proximity to public transportation are all important factors to search for. Having said that, perhaps the most important metric to consider when contemplating a move to Brea is real estate affordability. Median real estate prices in Brea come in at $579,600, which is 41.6% higher than the California average. The home price to income ratio compares the median home prices to the median household income. In Brea, the home price to income ratio is 6.8, which is 6.2% higher than the California average. Knowing if your home will appreciate on a long term or even a short term basis should be factored into your decision making. An increase in your home’s value can be a good way to generate tax-free equity that can create long term financial security. In the past year, appreciation rates for homes in the Brea area were 3.9% and 5 year appreciation rates were 5.9%.
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